Welcome to the New Year!

“2025” has, I think, a nice ring to it. Like finding a quarter, it “feels” like the start of something useful, valuable, something productive. A good omen, I think, for needed change.

True, any time of year is a good time for helpful change, but the beginning of the year as a symbolic, signifier (“a beginning to begin,” that kind of stuff), is especially potent.

This week I am away from my writing to spend some quality time with my wife, but starting next week and throughout January, I will delve into three key behaviors that are central for all of us to get healthier and holier. Stand by.

One last thing for this week, though: I want to thank everyone who has subscribed to my weekly post in 2024, and especially to those who signed on in December. I am assuming that many of you heard me on Relevant Radio’s Drew Mariani Show, a program that I love appearing on as much as I love listening to it.

Thank you so much again and enjoy what’s left of the Christmastide.